Webinar: A Foundation For Mobile Business
Now for a word on mobile in the enterprise. Altimeter’s mobile analyst, Chris Silva, is working on a report that explores how managers on the business-side – not the IT – side of the organization are increasingly leading the charge to bring mobility to their workforce.
A key challenge is how to build the control and security foundation for a mobile business strategy. Chris and I will be hosting an open, no-cost webinar on Wed March 28th at 10am PT/1pm ET that will discuss the key elements of the mobile control layer, its importance, and how both the technologies and leadership elements should come together to provide a foundation for a coherent enterprise mobility strategy.
The Mobile Control Plane Should Underlie All Mobile Strategy
Having business leaders take the reigns in mobile is a growing trend and a change in strategy that ensure the people who know the needs of the mobile workforce are driving strategy. This strategic shift, however, still relies on IT having put in place a mobile control layer that provides security, management and overall policy to govern mobile as it spreads across the organization. This foundation, which underlies all of the business-driven use of mobile, is comprised of many pieces and goes well beyond mobile device management (MDM) the increasingly catch-all phrase that vendors are using to insinuate themselves onto shortlists of mobility partners.
- What are the steps I must take before I can hand my line of business managers (sales, support, products) the reigns to deploy the mobile strategy that’s right for them?
- What is IT’s role vs. the business management’s role in making mobility an element of strategy that positively impacts the business?
- What technologies and strategies should be in my “plan” to enact mobility? Isn’t MDM enough?
The webinar will take place on Wednesday March 28th at 1PM Eastern/10AM Pacific time.
Register today at: https://bit.ly/mobilecontrol