Looking for “Open Leadership” sightings
Two years ago, Josh Bernoff and I really enjoyed watching our book, Groundswell, launch and roll into bookstores across the country. One enterprising person, eager to get the book, even went around to the store’s loading dock and got it right off the delivery truck!
While the publisher, Jossey-Bass, has set Monday, May 24th as the launch date for Open Leadership, we’re not quite sure when the book will actually appear in the stores. That’s because it’s up to each individual store to get the books, unpack them, and get it up on the shelves and tables.
While I’ve been traveling to promote the book at various conferences, I’ve been sticking my head into as many airport bookstores as I can manage, hoping to catch a glimpse of the book on the shelves. Alas, no success yet!
So I’d like to get your help — as the book becomes available in retail stores, please send me reports of sightings of Open Leadership “in the wild”! If you tweet it, use the hashtags #openleadership and #sighting, add the location, and include a photo if you can. Or if it’s easier, send an email (and photo if available) to me at charlene (at) altimetergroup (dot) com.
As a thank you, I’ll send a signed bookplate to the first 50 sightings that I receive. Include your address if you’re using email and I’ll figure out a way to get your address if you’re tweeting.