Announcing “Open Leadership” Webinar series

Open Leadership 200h

I’m pleased to announce a four-part series featuring the ideas and content from my new book, “Open Leadership” which will be available in late May. Below are descriptions as well as registration information for each of these Webinars. These Webinars are free and I’ll also be posting recordings and the slides from them online after each Webinar in case you can’t attend them.

More information about the “Open Leadership” book is available at

Description: “Be Open, Be Transparent, Be Authentic” are the current leadership mantras — but companies often push back. Business is premised on the concept of control and yet the new world order demands openness — leaders do not know how to be open and be in control.

This four-part Webinar series is centered on the ideas in the new book, “Open Leadership: How Social Technology Can Transform The Way You Lead” by Charlene Li, the best-selling co-author of “Groundswell”.

Making the Case For Open Leadership

Monday, April 26, 2010 10:00 – 11:00 AM PDT

Update: Slides and recording for the first webinar are available at

– How social technologies are creating the need for new type of leadership.
– What it means to be open.
– How to measure openness.
– Case studies of open leadership

Register at

Developing And Measuring Open Leadership Strategies

Friday, May 7, 2010 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM PDT

Update: Slides and recording for this webinar are available at

– What are the elements of an open strategy?
– How do you measure openness?
– What metrics should organizations use to measure the value of openness?

Register at

Finding and Supporting Your Open Leaders

Friday, May 14, 2010 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM PDT

Update: Slides and recording for this webinar are available at

– What are the characteristics of open leaders?
– How do you identify open leaders?
– What can and should organizations do to support open leadership?
– What are some examples of open leaders?

Register at

How Open Leaders Embrace & Recover From Failure

Friday, May 21, 2010 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM PDT

– How do open leaders structure and manage openness with policies?
– Why is embracing failure so important to open leadership?
– How do open leaders deal with failure?

Register at

[Originally posted at]